Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Message from Colleen Chun

As a fan club that has members in many countries, we are aware and concerned about the welfare of all people around the world. Therefore, it is with tremendous sadness that we hear of the tragedy and devastation left in Myanmar after the cyclone. It is with a sense of deep sorrow to learn today that another cyclone is headed for that country once again.

Between the two cyclones is the news of a terrible earthquake in China where hundreds have lost their lives and homes.

A story on the radio came from a correspondent who happened to be nearby in a province of China. She described how a school had been destroyed. Rescue workers hurried to find surviving children, but almost everyone pulled from the wreckage was dead. She said the bodies of the school children were lined up waiting for family to identify them. As a mother, this sorrowful image broke my heart as I empathized with all the families of the children.

I simply ask that we all say a prayer, in the tradition of our chosen faiths, for the people who are suffering these disasters.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of the videos available on the net today on the China earthquake. Contrast the Chinese government’s and the Burmese government’s response to a natural disaster. It is sad . It is tragic for both countries but the Burmese people seem so neglected by their government.
